Useful videos to help you pass!

The videos on this page could help you pass by knowing what to expect on your test day.

Theory test

How to pass the theory test: official DSA guide

The official DVSA guide to passing your theory test - both the multiple-choice and hazard perception parts

Show and Tell

Oil Checks

How to check your cars oil level

Tell me questions

DVSA show me, tell me - inside the car : driving test questions

Show me questions

Outside the car : driving test questions

Tyre checks

How to check your type for correct pressure and tread

Handbrake checks

Checking your handbrake

Fluid checks

Checking the level of fluids in you car

Brake checks

Brakes, lights, indicators and horn checks

Hazard perception

The official DVSA guide to hazard perception DVD

Trailer for the only official fully interactive hazard perception DVD for all drivers and motorcyclists.
 Buy it here >

Practical test

The practical driving test explained: official DVSA guide

Official DVSA to guide to what happens during the driving test and what it takes to pass it - including the eyesight test, 'show me, tell me' questions, reversing exercises, and independent driving parts of the test.

Blue Light Aware